Welcome to the beta version of the MCM-Online Public. This section contains information from the Multi-Coloured Manual available to the public free of charge.
This section will enable those who are relatively new to flood risk management economics and benefits assessment to become more aware of the information and techniques used, as well as some of the complications that need to be thought through. It is part of the role of the Flood Hazard Research Centre (FHRC), the Environment Agency and Defra to help make the economics of flooding more understandable and transparent.
We have kept this Section of the website as straightforward as possible, containing just some data on flood damages and some guidance. It is by no means all there is to benefit assessment, but should be seen as a “starting place” for those who are thinking about their risks and potential flood damages in the future.
Who is the Public Section aimed at?
This Section is aimed at community groups and others working locally to get a first indication of the benefits to themselves of reducing the risk of flooding in the future. It is not designed for the professional, but might be useful for those who already have some knowledge of flood risk management but wish to refresh this and begin the process of assessing potential flood damages in the future.
What will the Public Section not tell me?
This Section will not tell the user how much investment in flood risk management measures (such as new defences) would cost in their locality and what difference measures would make to flood risk. We do not discuss how to calculate investment needs over the lifetime of a flood risk measure. The information is focused on understanding flood damages and how much damage can be avoided.
Many of the key topics and terms contained within this section are explained in the FAQs.
The three user levels
The information can be viewed at three levels of complexity, based on your knowledge and experience of flooding and flood risk management. Please click on the level most appropriate for you: